"In the image of God, He created them..."

"In the image of God, He created them..."

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Above and Beyond...

Wow!  The Lord is good!  The past few weeks have been absolutely incredible.  I have seen Him work in so many miraculous ways.  If you remember, in my last post on this blog, I was unsure of where God was leading me and I surrendered my future to Him to do with as He thought best. 

It was just a matter of days after I wrote that post that my mom encouraged me to look into what positions Advent Home Learning Center (a biblical rehabilitation center for troubled boys) had available.  I was doubtful of my chances at securing a job there considering the fact that I have yet to finish my college degree.  But as Peter, I cast my net on the other side. 

I went to Advent Home’s website and found an opening for Resident Care Staff and submitted a cover letter and my resume.  That very evening, I received a phone call from Dr. Blondel Senior, the executive director at Advent Home.  We talked for about half an hour on the phone, and in the course of the conversation, Dr. Senior mentioned that he had noticed on my resume that I am a physics education major and that they were looking for someone to teach math and science.  At first, I thought that he had misunderstood, so I clarified.  I said, “yes, I am a physics education major, but I have not graduated yet, and am not certified to teach.”  But his response was that that would not be a problem so long as I taught under the supervision of one of their other certified teachers.

The following week, I met with Dr. Senior and some of the other staff at Advent Home for a more formal interview.  At the end of the interview, I was offered a job teaching math and science.  I am technically teaching under the supervision of a certified teacher, but in all reality, it is my classroom.  I am doing what I have long felt called to do: shepherding young men, helping to restore in them their Creator’s image.  I have also been asked to serve as a sort of assistant chaplain.  I will be giving morning devotional talks in the mornings and one-on-one Bible studies with the young men who wish to prepare for baptism.

The Lord has not only given me a clear direction as to where and how He wants me to serve Him, but has also provided a way for me to continue my education.  I thank Him for His awesome care for me and for giving me an opportunity to work with these young men who He loves so much.  It is very humbling.  Please pray for me as I begin this incredible journey.

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